Friday, October 18, 2013

Taking Time for Reflection

How many of you feel that you have little or no time to reflect on anything or anyone on any given day?

Our society is in "fast forward" mode, and we have lost site of what the entire purpose of living is meant to be about. If you ask yourself how you define success, you might find that your daily activities are not lining up with what you value. I recently spoke with a man who had achieved great financial success, but had a nagging sense of unhappiness that he could not isolate the reason for on his own. This man owned and rented out many homes, timeshares, etc...was self-employed, had grown and successful children, and a long standing marriage. On the surface, all should have been "sweetness & light"based on these these measurements of success.

I asked the Tarot for wisdom on the source of his unhappiness, and it answered with the five of cups.
This card can be interpreted as having regrets. So I asked this man what he regretted most. He told me that although he had achieved material success, he wanted to feel that when he died he would be remembered as a good father and husband. So, I asked him why he felt that this might not be the case as all indicators of success were in his life. He told me that he had missed the point of having children. He had never taken the time for a family vacation to make memories that would sustain him as he aged. He couldn't think of one baseball game that he had attended with his son. If it weren't for his wife's insistence, he might have missed his daughter's high school graduation. His sole focus was on providing for his family, but he had forgotten to provide "emotional support" for them as well. Although married on paper, he was not "married in his heart." His wife "did her own thing." His children now focused solely on material success, and had no time for "dear old dad." After all, he had taught them well......Children learn from watching what you do, and not on what you say!

We spoke about many things during his reading, but the most important thing that came out of his reading was that he decided to sell most of his properties and focus on his marriage and on his grandchildren. This man realized that all the material wealth in the world could not make up for taking the time, which was now so precious to him, to reflect and rebuild relationships that he had left to languish. 
  • If you are experiencing a lack of happiness, ask yourself what legacy you want to leave in this world?
  • Were you a good friend, partner, father, mother, son or daughter?
  • Have you achieved some small success by singing, dancing, or whatever your passion?
  • Are there places in the world that you would like to travel to see?
  • What is on your "bucket list" that you need to act on now?
The time to enjoy is now! Be present in the moment! Be happy with what you have, and not unhappy because you do not have! Let go of regret, and replace with gratitude. This is the day that the creator has made, rejoice and be glad.....

~In the Light......Karen