Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What Does ~ "In The Light" Really Mean?

Many of you know that I recently lost a very dear friend and mentor of mine, Mrs. Randolph. For over thirty plus years she was my sounding board for how to handle tough situations, and was my Spiritual rock when I wondered if I could handle the daily work of developing mediumship.

 When I had to make a decision between corporate job and doing private readings, she made my choice clear by stating: "Are you going to walk your talk or not? Straight talker Mrs. Randolph. No baloney as they say. One piece of advice that she gave me stuck to me like glue. Mind your own business. Speak well of others. Don't join permanent groups or circles as they are just ways to get hurt emotionally, and BEWARE  of the "NEWLY SPIRITUAL."

Now some of you might ask, what does that mean? The NEWLY SPIRITUAL folks are the ones that say things that are "dripping with sarcasm" and then say "In Love and Light….so and so" These are the folks that go out of their way to let you know that they are well NEWLY SPIRITUAL! It is a little like being a Southerner and gossiping about someone and then throwing in the phrase "BLESS THEIR HEART." I say be what you are…..if you are going to go out of your way to be nasty to someone why hide behind words that would indicate you are anything but Spiritual.

James Van Praagh once taught me that "What Other People Think Of Me Is None Of My Business." Wise words from a wise man! Simon James, who is one of the most wonderful teachers of mediumship that I have ever had the privilege of working with, stood in front of students and said if you have an Ego "check it at the door" because if you do not, I will check it for you!
 He also taught me: Karen, "YOU work for the dead people, not the live people. Remember that!"
 Yes, James, I certainly will!

Mrs. Randolph told me that in my lifetime I would be called all manner of names out of ignorance. She was right. I have been called names that I could never have imagined. I don't care. I know who I work for. God, Source, Spirit. I know what "In the Light" really means. I mind my business. I speak well of others or I say nothing at all.

If you have been attacked, persecuted, alienated, accused, berated, or demeaned just remember you are not alone. Spirit knows who is "In the Light" and who is not. "Spirit knows the Truth." Walking with "loving intention" means just that. You demonstrate LOVE through your actions and your words.
I guess I have gotten pretty good at recognizing who the Newly Spiritual are…. HAVE YOU?

Truly, ~ In the Light~ Karen

Friday, August 29, 2014

Time ~ How Precious It Is…...

In the blink of an eye, we are twenty, thirty, forty, and then fifty, and some of us sixty and beyond years old! Time flies whether we use it wisely or we squander it in a corporate cubicle trying to pay our bills and be responsible adults. If that sounds cynical I suppose it is because I hear the dreams of folks everyday who sit at my reading table and say things like; I always wanted to learn to surf board, or wind sail, or fly an airplane, play the piano, hang glide, etc…

What stops us is FEAR. Fear that we will not be seen by others as successful. Judged by society as "lesser than" normal, whatever that means! As a whole we are afraid to really live our lives. It is too dangerous, too risky, too far from our families, too (insert fear here.) This phenomena of no risk taking takes on historic proportions in CT known as the "land of steady habits." Most people emigrated to New England and huddled together and never left. By talking to as many folks as I do, you would think that there was invisible fencing around New England and that if you went past New York City to the West of us you would get zapped. Grown adults tell me that "oh no, I could never leave here because my family would never speak with me again if I did." This is no laughing matter. These people are tortured by wanting to LIVE their lives and not the lives that their parents and siblings want them to live and they feel so obligated that they are stuck and miserable.

The karmic life pattern/lesson appears to be that LOVE is not  CONTROL and the time is PRECIOUS here on earth. If you feel the need to live close to your family then do so, but if a time comes when you are not getting back the love and support that you are giving, and you are miserable it is time to MOVE. Moving can take the form of around the corner, block, out of state, or the country. The key is that you cannot run away from yourself. If the problem of boundaries, and keeping healthy emotional boundaries in your life with people is a problem then wherever you go you will have the same problem.

All decisions are made out of FEAR or LOVE. Do not be so afraid to die that you forget to LIVE. Take that dance class, go on that date, sell that house and move, go back to school, take up the piano, tap dance, learn how to sail, write the book, go to Europe on the airplane. Move away from the town you grew up in…it will still exist on the map and you can always go back if you want to.

Time is Precious….. Don't waste it!

~ In the Light ~ Karen