Readings By Karen blog content is provided by Karen Hollis, Psychic/Medium and Owner of "Readings By Karen" L.L.C. The blog serves as a platform for Karen to discuss all things having to do with Mediumship, Divination, Psychic work, and the Paranormal. Karen also addresses common questions and issues that she has witnessed through her client's lives during her 37-year career.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Living without Regrets
Most recently, I was speaking with a group of women who asked me what I thought that the single most important thing was that a person could consciously focus on doing so that they maintained happiness throughout their lives. I had to think long and hard about this as there are so many answers to that question. I came up with the answer that to "live with no regrets" is a very powerful way to live your life. I am often speaking about the need for living with a sense of integrity in my office. If you are in a relationship and it is not serving your soul or your partner's soul, then in order to love without regret we need to be honest and have integrity in the way we conduct ourselves. When we don't put in our best effort and pay attention to our children, spouse, significant other, etc.....we will ultimately regret our actions. For example, when my nine year old daughter sometimes asks me to snuggle with her in bed before going to sleep, and after prayers, I make it a point to do so because one day she will be grown and gone and I want no regrets. Have you ever noticed that we often treat strangers with more courtesy than we do our relatives. Think about the outcome of your actions, and then ask yourself if you will regret it if you do or do not do what you are planning. Life comes at you quickly, but if you make a mistake you can own up to it so as to live with no regret. In 2011, let's all try to think through how much energy we are giving to our spirituality, then our family, and then to our work. Balance is the key to unlocking the door to NO REGRETS. I wish you a lifetime of thinking through what you really want to make you happy. Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Dealing With Your Own Mortality
Many people ask me what it is like to speak or deal with the dead on a daily basis. Communication with those who have passed is called Mediumship and it is a very specific skill that I believe can be taught. The issue with speaking to those who have passed is tricky in that it brings up the issue of your own mortality. We seem to be fine as long as death is happening to someone else. We say things at funerals that sound like...."I am so glad that so and so passed as they were suffering." Somewhere around the mid-point in your life you may experience the consequences of smoking, drinking, or eating in excess. Body parts start to fail, and you are forced to consider your own mortality. It isn't a comfortable pondering, but I believe it is necessary for the soul's growth. Without these "markers" to remind us of the sanctity of life, the blessing that is the ability to see another sunrise or sunset, we would take time for granted. Savor the kiss of the one you love. Listen carefully to your children. Cherish your parents. Time waits for no man. Take stock of your life and change your attitude if need be. Live fully. Live honestly. Happiness cannot reside where integrity ceases to exist. Live in your truth. Move forward and don't look back. If you do these things you will invite contentment into your world. Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Mediumship - The "Red Phone" to the "Other Side"
Many people ask me to do mediumship as a part of their reading. Let's face it, everyone has lost someone that they dearly love, to death, and they miss having conversations with them. The problem is that I often don't have the "red phone" to the other side. By the "red phone" I mean that I cannot just suddenly ask to speak with someone and get an immediate answer from that person who has died. If you think of it this way it will help....Say you called your mother on the telephone and she was in the shower and couldn't speak with you at that very moment. You would certainly understand as she was not expecting your call, and you would call back later or leave a message. Right? O.k. - so, why is it any different with people who are dead. If the dead live on, then wouldn't it make sense that they might be busy right when you are asking for them to speak with you through a psychic/medium? Lots of folks think that Grandma and Grandpa are just hanging around them and waiting anxiously for a chance to come through and give a message. It is not like that! People are the same as when they were alive. They don't get "better" after death, or more available, or more patient. People are people, dead or alive. It is best to make an appointment with them by speaking to them, out loud, a few days in advance of getting a mediumship reading. Let them know that if it is possible you would like to receive a message from them. The dead will communicate telepathically with the living. They will show a favorite flower, or indicate an anniversary date or Birthday date. Many will use a favorite joke as a way to connect. Some have mentioned notes in their casket from family that they know the contents of and refer to. Favorite songs, pets, etc...are ways that they reach out to the living. Make appointments, remember them on special days, and know that they live on a different plane of existence. Anyone who claims to have the "red phone" to the other side is kidding themselves. The dead communicate only through the grace of God. It is true that love never dies.....Blessings, Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Managing Expectations & Perspective
When we expect people to do or act a certain way and they do not, who is at fault? Really, this is not a trick question. Who is at fault? I would argue that when we expect something that is truly not in our control it is our expectation that is to blame. We can only control how we act or react to what others say and/or in fact do. I often see that we are our own worst enemy when it comes to keeping expectations in perspective. The Holidays are around the corner and already my phone is exploding with calls from folks who dread spending time with relatives. Spirit will often suggest that in karmic family relationships it is often a test to see if we can maintain boundaries, and stay non-judgmental. This holiday season you may want to try to remove yourself emotionally from highly charged family gatherings and maintain perspective. Be there in body, (the physical), without being there in spirit, (emotionally). Keep the visits short and sweet. Stay away from having expectations that family dynamics will miraculously change for the better. Your family gathering does not have to resemble a Norman Rockwell painting to be successful. Refuse to be baited into family dramas. Politely leave if you feel an argument brewing. Thank your hostess, and don't do or say anything you are likely to regret. Remember, when we cut people out of our lives it is we that suffer most. Don't be that person! Expectations and Perspective. Blessings, Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
As a professional psychic, I would say a good 80% of readings deal with some type of relationship issue whether it be lover, family, or work. I also see just about every variation on love triangles that can be imagined. Many people think that just because they meet someone in an unusual way, they are "meant" to be together. The movie "fatal attraction" has nothing on some of the life stories I hear. Love can indeed make people crazy, or if not crazy at least not in their right mind. It is important to ask yourself if the actions of the person that you are in the relationship with are loving. If the person says that they are going to call, and then they don't.....that's not love. If you are planning on going out for the evening and the person does not show up, or call to reschedule.....that's not love. If the person lies to you.....that's not love. If the person blames you for their bad behavior, or always makes it somehow your fault....that's not love. There are some married couples that put their marriage up on a shelf to whither and die. They never say a kind word, go out of their way, or show compassion for their spouse.....that's not love. If you are in a love relationship for money, it is a gilded cage of your own making. Some justify affairs because they get no attention from their spouse.....that's not love. Happiness cannot live where deceit dwells.
Find your true love, and love deeply but as Kahil Gibran wrote:
On Marriage
Find your true love, and love deeply but as Kahil Gibran wrote:
On Marriage
Kahlil Gibran
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Famous Clients
Recently, I had a famous person visit my office suite for a reading. No, I'm not at liberty to say who it was...but, I did want to comment that the more that I read for people the more I notice that all lives are the same no matter how famous. Some people have money challenges, and some with money have relationship challenges. Others who don't have relationship challenges have health issues. It seems that we are all challenged according to our own soul's need for growth. Life isn't fair my mother used to say. I think that it matters how we meet our individual challenges. For instance, we can say we are poor but if we have love of family are we really poor? We can say that relationships have ruined our lives, but then we look at our children who are a result of the relationship and aren't they a blessing? I have people that come for readings all the time that are really hurting, and sometimes it is just a matter of perspective on the issue. Next time you are really upset, ask yourself, is it worth the upset? Will being upset change anything? Then, say the words CANCEL right out loud when you know you need to change your attitude. Famous or not, we are all the same. Namaste. Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Monday, November 1, 2010
How to deal with Fear and Anxiety
If you are like myself, when something goes wrong you start to worry and get anxious. Does this ever amount to solving what is creating the fear and anxiety? No, of course not. Remember that the universe gives you more of whatever you are thinking about. Like attracts like. So, if fear and anxiety are ruling your life then the universe will give you more of it. Always say the word "Cancel" out loud after you realize that you are worrying. Re-direct your thoughts to something more positive. You will draw more positive to you. Something as simple as being thankful for a sunny day will make the difference. There is always someone less fortunate than yourself in the world. If you have food to eat, a place to lay your head at night, and at least one friend in the world you are lucky enough. Don't let work rule your life, do one thing today that makes you smile. Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Is everyone psychic or are some people born psychic? a "Gift"?
I am often asked if I knew that I had "the gift" at a young age. I always chuckle to myself when people call it "the gift." I am not sure where the phrase came from, but I sure can't see what's coming for myself so it isn't the "gift" that keeps giving to me! HA! In any case, my thoughts are that all people are intuitive to a degree. Just like some people play sports better, due to a natural talent, I believe that some people are born with a little more propensity to be intuitive. I happen to believe that being psychic can be taught. In fact I know it can be taught! I teach it. I see people every day who have some talent and then develop what they have until it suits them and their need to know. If you think with your conscious mind all of the time and base your decisions on your head, instead of your gut, then you will not develop your intuition. We get into trouble when we only make decisions with our heart, or with our head. However, if you trust your instincts and listen with your heart, while using your will not be lead astray. Developing intuition/psychic ability is possible with practice. It isn't hard, just try practicing every day. Blessings, Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Friday, October 22, 2010
The secret to life is letting go
Every now and then I get someone that I am reading for that tells me that "Life is not fair" and I have to reflect on that statement for awhile. Some people are lucky with finances, and some are lucky in love, and then there are those individuals who just seem to get the short end of the Karmic stick as it were. It really does make a professional intuitive sit back and think.....why?
Only the universe knows why bad things happen to seemingly good people. My response has always been to have empathy and to try to provide answers as to why these things have happened to them. We seem to be plagued with needing to know why something has happened. I am proposing that we let go of the why and embrace the now so that we can fully live in the present before it becomes the past. Whew! There was a mouthful of philosophy. But truly, letting go is the answer isn't it? Think about it. We cannot change the past. We can only live in the NOW and do our best in the future. Try it. It will lead to more happiness. Blessings, Karen
Only the universe knows why bad things happen to seemingly good people. My response has always been to have empathy and to try to provide answers as to why these things have happened to them. We seem to be plagued with needing to know why something has happened. I am proposing that we let go of the why and embrace the now so that we can fully live in the present before it becomes the past. Whew! There was a mouthful of philosophy. But truly, letting go is the answer isn't it? Think about it. We cannot change the past. We can only live in the NOW and do our best in the future. Try it. It will lead to more happiness. Blessings, Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Welcome to the "Readings By Karen" Blog!
Hello & Welcome!
Many of you know me from having used my services as a psychic in Rocky Hill, CT. I have created this blog at the urging of our clients, like yourself, who like to discuss all things psychic and paranormal. There are so many questions that people have about what I do and how I do it that this blog is the most efficient way to address those issues. If you have specific questions about your life, please remember that I will not address those on this blog, please call 860-665-8024 and book a private and confidential readings to address your issues. Welcome! Karen
Many of you know me from having used my services as a psychic in Rocky Hill, CT. I have created this blog at the urging of our clients, like yourself, who like to discuss all things psychic and paranormal. There are so many questions that people have about what I do and how I do it that this blog is the most efficient way to address those issues. If you have specific questions about your life, please remember that I will not address those on this blog, please call 860-665-8024 and book a private and confidential readings to address your issues. Welcome! Karen
I am am an evidential Psychic/Medium with over 37 years of experience helping people to connect with their deceased love ones by giving messages of love and hope. I also can consult both a regular deck and the Tarot, and will often incorporate palmistry and/or analyzing of your handwriting in order to give you the clarity you deserve to make the decisions you need to make everyday!
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